
Real Reason Fintech Guru, Jesam Micheal Opens Biggest Apple Store In Africa

It was glitz and glamour as Jesam Micheal, the CEO of Afriq Arbitrage System, a Fintech Expert cum entrepreneur genius opened the biggest apple store in Africa amidst pomp and pageantry in Lagos on Saturday, 27th Of January, 2024 known as The Afriq JM Apple Store.

The colourful celebration paraded an array of traditional rulers, top tech gurus and investors who applauded the epoch making even.


While appreciating God for a dream come true, Jesam revealed that the birth of the apple store was born from the desire to be a line crosser and a barrier breaker in his industry and also to bring succour to the several thousands of AAS community members who believed in him.


In his words, Jesam admitted that, “the opening of the Apple store is a unique, first time and non compared event because it is the first in history to have a physical store, literally, a super Use case for a Token yet unborn. It is amazing that AAS TOKEN is yet to be listed but has so many physical Use Cases littered around”.


It is, indeed, a life changing, impacting, and uplifting event for one reason; what was said, promised, and sold to the community and global investors has come alive. That word is kept. A word spoken and kept builds confidence, instils faith, inspires trust, and ignites a fierce loyalty.

It is also one of the biggest e-commerce stores floated from a cryptocurrency perspective, quite unusual, you may say, but it’s happening live before our very eyes.


Interestingly, AAS TOKEN is undergoing listing with the big decentralised exchanges. What does that mean to investors of AAS TOKEN? It portents good omen for investors as their AAS TOKEN would soon become their virtual trading money to purchase your choice merchandise reminiscent of the policy of trade by barter of years gone by.

And the wonder of it is that it comes with discounted prices buying with the AAS TOKEN in all their stores, lounges and more.

It shows that crypto lovers are in for a new phase of life, a life that means freedom from financial hassles, from life’s pressures. This era pioneered by Jesam Michael, AAS’s Chief Executive Officer, is one that is sure to be unforgettable and imprinted in the anals of global crypto currency history.

Africans everywhere are proud that their own son has achieved such enviable feat in a space that is crowded by Westen and Asian Fintech minded persons.

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